BBG – Bangalore now moves into formation stage with the right founding members coming into place. During a visit to Bangalore, Christie Cherian called on Ian Felton, Deputy High Commissioner, BDHC, Bangalore and met a couple of potential conveners to put BBG – Bangalore into play with Chennai’s offer of help and assistance. The Queen’s Birthday celebrations on 15th March 2013 hosted by Ian Felton was also an occasion to bring together around 25 potential members. A meeting is planned for 23rd March to initiate the activities.
BBG Chennai have offered all support to the Conveners Sai Prakash and K C Janardhan with best wishes for the success of this new BBG. In line with BBGs reciprocity arrangements, invitations have been extended to potential Bangalore members to attend our meetings on April 18th and May 16th
Contacts for BBG in Bangalore:
Sai Prakash +919844327783 /
KC Janardhan +919845186482 /